
Attracting Bees to your Greenhouse

Will Bees Help Your Greenhouse? Attracting bees to your greenhouse will certainly encourage ample harvests. New greenhouses don’t always get discovered by local pollinators, which might leave the gardener empty-handed, or with much less produce than anticipated when it comes time to harvest. It is the job of the gardener to help pollinators find the...

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Beneficial Insects

Gardening in a Growing Dome is rewarding. Upon entering the Growing Dome, we inflate our lungs with clean, fresh air, instantly melting away any fears or worries we had moments before. In this sanctuary we feed the fish, smell the blossoms, snack on some healthy treats along the way, and nourish the soil. Sowing seeds...

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Winter Crops in a Growing Dome Greenhouse

These are some of the most popular crops that can thrive all winter in a Growing Dome Leafy greens Many different kinds of Lettuce, Spinach, Swiss chard, Tatsoi, Mizuna, Bok choi, Endive, Arugula, Radicchio Root vegetables Radish, Carrot , Turnips, Swede, Rutabaga, Daikon, Parsnip Members of the cabbage family Cabbage, Kale, Collards, Brussel Sprouts, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kohlrabi Members of the onion family Onions, Garlic, Leeks Herbs Parsley, Sage, Thyme, Rosemary, Marjoram, Fennel,...

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Organic Pest Control And The Pill Bug

Tips and techniques on organic pest control and the pill bug in your garden or greenhouse Strawberries and sandboxes and what is the difference between a Pill bug and Sow bug? And more importantly, are they harmful to your garden?  And what organic pest control methods work for Pill bugs? As a child I spent...

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Transforming the Water Tank Into a Thriving Ecosystem

AQUATIC PLANTS The growing capacity of your garden does not have to be limited to what can be grown in the soil. Aquatic plants not only add to the aesthetic appeal, they aid the overall functionality of the water tank. Advantages of Water Plants Types of Water Plants The advantages of investing in water plants...

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Sierra House Elementary: Going Beyond The Curriculum

Sierra House Elementary School in Tahoe, California purchased two 18’ Growing Domes® from Growing Spaces® in September 2014. The installation was complete by November 2014. Michelle McLean, the dome chair; Kristi Wilson, first grade teacher & Dome manager; Rebecca Bryson, assistant Dome fundraiser; and Ryan Galles, Principal of Sierra House Elementary, had only dreamed about...

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Community Greenhouse in Manchester, UK Makes Real Food

Here at Growing Spaces we often talk about how we have Growing Dome Greenhouses at over 100 schools around the world. Our founder, Udgar Parsons, grew up in England and has spent the later part of his life in the US. His multi-national background makes him naturally excited to now own an international company. When...

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